Lets play with VIDEO!
When I was a child every Christmas morning was greeted in 3 ways:
1)   ME waking up running through the house at 330AM screaming SANTA WAS HERE, making sure to shake every human in the house individually.
2)   My dad with his 16mm Movie Camera shouting at everyone "its motion pictures everyone MOVE" This of course was especially nice on those few reels where we had SOUND, and you can hear that.
3)   The 3rd degree burns caused by the 18 BILLION JIGGA WATT  ARC LAMPS he insisted on using as a light source for said movie camera.

Well now its MY turn. My family, MY child and MY turn to make motion pictures. However since I dont have a LOT of experience with putting them on the web yet, please bear with me while I learn!

So, click a link, lets all see what happens! btw these have sound so turn on your speakers!

THIS is charlie helping with the TREE!

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Here are some more videos to check out!

Christmas day unwrappings!  If you dont remember what its like to be 4 and see Santa coming check out THESE:
                    ONE        TWO           THREE        FOUR    End of Christmas1  End of Christmas 2

And of course with ALL that spare time, we HAD to get in some PLAY time:

                       PLAY1        PLAY2

And just because he probably wont EVER be playing basketball, I thought we should get his
American IDOL tapes ready now!                 IDOL