Into Every life a little Tele must fall, but like most folks
I of course had WAY too much stereotype shoved up my ears to REALLY even
consider a good one for my collection.
But if you’ve read about my MIM/MIA Tele or my TC730 you
know that I’ve gotten over THAT! I mean LOOK at all the players rockin a tele,
Keef, Richie Sambora, JOHN 5 for cryin out loud.
So I figure if you can put on grease paint and make Marilyn MANSION sound good, than it was all
right with me.
Of course anything out of the ordinary IMMEDIATELY gets my
attention, and a double hummer tele fit right into that bill!
But then I got to thinking, the unique sound s of a Tele do
NOT emanate from 2 humbuckers! But you have to admit it looks pretty cool.
So a few weeks after I got this revelation Sam Ash had a
“deal” going on. Buy anything over $200 and get a free acoustic 12 string. SO
my mind starts moving. Squire Custom II is $199, pack of strings $3 = $202 I
get my tele, I get new strings to put on it and I get a free acoustic 12
If they had given away a 6 string acoustic I wouldn’t have
felt so bad, but this 12 string was SUCH a piece of crapola it was amazing! Bad
Frets, Bad neck, bad intonation, no electronics you name it, it existed in this
So I did what I do with ALL guitars that have no pressing
need to be in my house!
Yep, you got it EBAY! So after a final selling price of $110
and $35 shipping I felt MUCH better about the world!
But the SQUIRE that’s what I REALLY wanted right? Well no I
wanted a dual humbuckers tele on the cheap, what I GOT was a tele in everyone’s
favorite color, as long as it’s black. 
The neck was good (not great) , it DID have a maple fret
board which I REALLY prefer, the pups were, well they were slightly better than
the worst stock pups I’ve ever heard but again just VERY generic., The bridge?
TOM bridge, no big thriller, but serviceable, and lucky me, no swimming pool
route under the serviceable scratch plate.
So I figured that right now I was ahead of the game almost
$150 so I went back to the “bay” SHOPPING. When all was said and done I had a
Squire Dream 90, a GFS Split level PAG Humbuckers and a Bigsby of indeterminate
And YES all THIS is going on the tele. My wife went to her
sister one weekend for a baby shower (my wife’s), so I had the house to myself
and pretty much used all of it performing these upgrades. 
As you can see by these pix, it was NOT as easy as I
thought. I TRIED to use the old bridge posts in which to set my NEW TOM with
BRASS saddles (I know I know I should have held out for a roller, just couldn’t
find one and I was impatient!) AND place my Bigsby front edge.
Well as you can see by the pix, TRYING to get everything
done in one night was REALLY not a good idea, so the SECOND crack at it I THINK
I got most everything good, but then I restrung it and tried to play it. I say
TRIED because, well its BAD. The neck needs to be shimmed something AWFUL!
Right now it would make some lap steel player REALLY happy. As for strapping it
on and going at it? Umm no. 
HOWEVER, I will say that that pairing of pups, even w/ the
strings an inch off the neck is proving to be OUTSANDING! I NEVER new a P-90
could sound so good and so STRONG!
So here you’ll see the stock photo plus my under
construction pix, on the next page you’ll see the finished photos and hopefully
some sound clips.
That way you too can hear the AWESEOMENESS that comes from and their VERY
reasonable priced and extremely well made pups!