Admit it, you started playing for the same
reason most guys did, the girls. And there are FEW bands out there today that
stack more hotties at their shows than Bon Jovi! Add to that the fact that
Richie Sambora really is a VERY versatile guitarist (check out his solo albums)
and you’ll find that there really is a lot of talent under all that hair.
Now between the times I sold my HSS Talon
and when I bought the parts for my new one, I found a Sambora Strat in a pawn
shop. Only problem was the seller wanted $25 and would NOT budge. Now I’m not
saying that’s not a FAIR prize. I will say it’s more than I wanted to pay. 
So once again I hit ebay and started the
search. I bid on several dozen before I found the one I wanted at the price I
wanted. $265 delivered. Only issue is a decal on the back that some previous
owner thought was cool. Oh well, so much for cool.
This is an MIM Fender that has a single
high output humbuckers in the bridge a Floyd Rose Trem and a locking nut. The
tuners seem better than the average MIM and the neck is VERY well worn in, it
feels GREAT.
I bought this as a fan, more than a
player, but find myself using this as a ‘go to’ guitar more and more. Although
it will never beat my MIA Strat as my all around favorite, it comes VERY close,
and for what it was designed it works VERY well!.
The ONLY thing that I would change on this
would be to remove the decal, and IF I could find one, I MIGHT put an MIA neck
on (STAR inlays instead of dots) but since those types of things will be
assembled on my Ibanez S body type I’ll probably leave best alone here.