This is where you get to see what 3 years a little $ and some spare time can lead
Once your happily married that is, oh yeah and have a child and cant afford to go anywhwere... |
My first "real" guitar was a MIM tele (you can still see pix if
you poke around), and so I always come back to them. A few years ago I
sold my WHOLE collection, and then a year later convinced Michele that
if I had the chance to build just "one more" exaxctly the way I wanted
it, then it would be all the axe I'd ever need!
Yeah I know,
but jey, she BOUGHT it, and it kept ME busy for a few years.
The challenge was A) I really wanted to do it right (messed that up!) and B) I am color blind so the PG was a HUGE PIA!
with the help of some folks from AGF and support of my wife (honey that
looks PRETTY) I finally got to play it this weekend. I dont have pix
from the bare wood handy, but I will try and dig some up, I know there out there, But this is where we are THUS far!
I got the "tele bridge" on I realized due to poor wiring and a shallow
cut that my PG was bowed up and my strings were laynig on the PUPS, so
I wanted a bigsby anyway, and now I could "justify it. This is what the
roller bridge looked like the FIRST time I tried to plug it in
 More than a LITTLE too high, so the boy and I go off to Lowes get something "close" and out comes the drill and Dremel:

Gotta LOVE the smell of burnt wood eh? Mic suggested that maybe BURNING the wood wasnt really the best way to go. Thanks hon, at least no smoke detectors were triggered!
So I VERY carefully (for me) spent an hour or so, placing the actual B-50, and actually get it about 90% accurate! |
a few things about the "finished product" I'm probably ging to
pull the PG off for some final tweaking. It still bows up in the
center, and I think I can get the strings and everything else lower by
grooving the cavity a little. Next the wires you see through the F hole
are from a GFS "clapton style mid boost circuit" there is NO place in
the cavity for the battery so the F hole was the next logical place.
BUT since its not doing what I had hoped it would, I may remove it
(that of course is 100% my doing I'm sure an not the circuit, I'm sure
I just have it mis wired) but we will see. If I leave it I will velcro
the battery in so that it can be removed if needed. I have the last 2
knobs, I just hadnt put them on at this point.PLUS, I know you can
still see the 6 pass throughs for the tele hard tail bridge, but if you
remember earlier in the story the Bigsby was to compensate for ANOTHER
shortcoming, so I didnt fill them in before I tinted the wood, and yes
I still have 6 brass ferrules on the underside. Lastly, I get a LOT of comments about the color. Unfortunatelty my being color blind only allows me to say "its blue" If
I'm not mistaken its the "ColorTone" blue as supplied by StewMac, but
it has open air aged for over 2 years prior to this point. PLUS
there are 6 coats of base 14 coats of color and 9 coats of clear. Even
with all that, if you look REAL close under the B50 bar you can see the
screw driver slip that ALMOST made me say a wirty dird in front of my
(then) 3 yo.
Thanks for the comments and support! |